Gas or oil boilers have an expected life time that spans about 12-25 years, depending on the type of system. This is attainable IF you keep up with regular maintenance, as suggested by the manufacturer. It includes annual cleanings and burner service. Maintenance is one more expense to add to the heating season bills, but it really is a minor one in comparison to having to replace your boiler entirely. Winters in Eastern CT are long, harsh, and cold. We always suggest developing a relationship with your heating fuel vendor. We do offer boiler repairs and installations but we do not offer burner service.
Boiler troubleshooting tips
If you discover that you have no heat and no hot water, the first troubleshooting tip we suggest is to check your fuel level. Depending on the weather, you may have gone through more fuel than you realized.Next, we suggest hitting the reset button on your boiler. If the boiler turns on for a few seconds, then shuts off OR shudders to a stop, it's usually a sign that you need burner service. Call your oil or gas company to schedule service.
If you ever smell gas, leave your home IMMEDIATELY and call your local emergency number. Do attempt to make any repairs or continue to use the heating system.
Puddles of water around your boiler, corrosion on the piping or pinhole leaks near the boiler are all signs that you need to call a professional plumber. One of our plumbing technicians will perform further diagnostic services then provide you with solutions and options. A repair is usually made the same day.
Gas boiler installation in Vernon CT
When a boiler should be replaced
Some of our boiler repair services include repiping, valve replacements, and expansion tank installation. Our heating technicians will always present you with options and pricing to help you make the best decision to repair your heating system. Any questions you have about the process will be fully answered with years of training and experience behind them.If you've been making repairs to your boiler for a few years in a row, it's a sign that the unit will need to be replaced soon. It usually becomes a more economical choice to have the unit replaced. Older boilers can also pose safety hazards. Newer boilers run more efficiently and generate long-term savings.
Boilers are pretty much like motor vehicles. Once you start sinking more and more into repair costs to keep it safely drive-able, it makes more sense to buy a new one. Unlike car dealerships, we don't believe in placing pressure on a customer when making such a large financial decision. We subscribe to a comprehensive code of ethics and always want our customers to make informed decisions.
To see some of the boiler repairs and installations we've completed, check our our YouTube video HERE.