Heating season will be here before we know it! Although this weekend's forecast is calling for temps in the 80's, winter is just around the corner. We've had enough cool autumn mornings to remind us how chilly it's going to be.
Get prepared
Last winter season, we had a TON of calls reporting frozen pipes and burst pipes. From Columbia to Scotland to Colchester CT, we were all over eastern CT repairing heating pipes! Once they burst, you won't have heat until the repair can be made. We dispatch our heating technicians as quickly as possible but you can still face service delays. Also, if we get hit with a major Nor'Easter, we may not be able to get the trucks on the road as quickly as we normally would. The best course of action to avoid frozen pipes is to take preventative measures.
Prepare your pipes
The easiest place to start in your preparations is to check for any drafty areas near your heating pipes. Get those sealed up! You can also insulate the pipes for further protection. When the forecast calls for a significant dip in temperature, open up any cabinets that contain pipes on an outside wall. The circulating warmer air will help prevent them from freezing.
Keep the heat on
Rising oil and electricity costs in Connecticut tempt many homeowners to turn off their heat. While this may conserve energy and save a few dollars, we do not recommend it. Keeping a temperature of at least 68°F will still allow you to conserve heating costs. It will also save you thousands of dollars of repairs to burst pipes.Another idea to help save heating dollars is a WiFi thermostat. You can find out more details about our installations of these units here.
System check
A free service that we offer is called a "system check." A technician will perform a maintenance check on your oil or gas boiler or furnace. He will also check all the heating pipes associated with your unit. He will check for safety issues and efficiency. He can even uncover those drafty areas for you! You will receive a report of his findings and recommendations. It will give you piece of mind for the long winter ahead. Or it will allow you more time to budget for routine repairs, instead of on an emergency-need basis.If you would like to schedule your free system check, we can be reached by calling 860-228-1036.
If you have any other heating season tips, please share them below!